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Issue DateTitle
July / August 2024Tune Up For The Down Turn!
May / June 2024Feeling Overwhelmed?
March/April 2024Opportunity In The Season Of Uncertainty
January / February 2024The Hardest Part of Marketing
November / December 2023Harvest Season Reflections
Sept / October 2023Evaluating The Cost Of Waiting
July / August 2023Time Will Tell
May / June 2023The 5 Steps To Determining Your Personal Path to a Profitable 2023
March / April 2023Are you Ready?
January / February 2023Straight Talk For Winter Marketing
November / December 2022We Believe That...
Sept / October 2022A Familiar Story
July / August 2022The Challenge is Real
May / June 2022W.I.N. | What's Important Now?
March / April 20221, 2, 3, Profit
January / February 2022Putting Things In Perspective
November / December 2021High $ Nitrogen Effect
September / October 2021Looking Back to Grain Perspective
July / August 2021Don't Let Profit Sneak Away
May / June 2021It's Action Season For Grain Marketing
March / April 2021It's That Time of Year Once Again!
January / February 2021Moving On!
November / December 2020The Basics of Revenue Protection Insurance
Sept / October 2020 What Now? 
July / August 2020
Profit Defined
May / June 2020 Closing the Grain Marketing Gap
March/April 2020 5 Essential Habits of Farm Marketing
January/February 2020 Missed Opportunities
November/December Let's Do the Math
September / October You Know What They Say...
July / August A Time to Review
May / June 2019 Selling The Carry To Capture Extra Premiums in Your Farm Marketing
March / April 2019
Selling Ahead Works!
January / February 2019 Driving with a Rear-View Mirror
November / December 2018 Are you Listening?
Sept / October 2018 Better Than Average
July / August 2018 Farm Bins: Fact vs Fiction
May / June 2018 WANTED!
March / April 2018 Something Solid
January / February 2018 When Wrong Can Be Right
November / December 2017 The "3 for 1" Deal
September / October 2017
Free Time is Over
July / August 2017 How to Stop Being Wrong on Your Grain Marketing
May/ June 2017 Perception or Reality?
March / April 2017 Plug the Leak & Build Higher Sides
January / February 2017 Time For Setting Goals
October / November You Know What They Say . . .
September / October Why Low Grain Prices Lead To Higher Costs
May / June 2016 We Have Arrived!
March / April  2016 The 5 Steps You Have To Take Today
January / February  2016
Finding a Marketing Balance
November / December  2015
What Will Cause The Next Rally?
September / October  2015
Reflect on the Past & Plan for the Future
July / August  2015
Playing Catchup in a Transition of Abundance 
May/June  2015
Climate Change
March/April 2015
5 Essential Habits of Farm Marketing
Nov / Dec 2014
Nothing New Under The Sun
Sept / October  2014
Preserving Farm Capital in a Season of Disappointing Prices
July / August  2014 Summer Marketing Excercise
May / June  2014
The Season Of Uncertainty, A Time Of Opportunity
March / April  2014
Planning Season
January / February 2014
Old Traps and New Beginnings
November / December 2013
Back to Basics
September / October 2013
Keeping Low Prices From Getting Lower
July / August 2013 Balancing Your Grain Portfolio
May / June 2013 Volatility Reigns
March / April 2013
1,2,3, Profit
January / February 2013 Dealing With "Maybe If..."
November/December 2012
A Time To Sell
September/October 2012 The Top Five
July/August 2012 Selling The Discount
May/June 2012 Do You Do Windows?
March / April 2012 Focusing on the 2012 Crop
Jan / Feb 2012
Avoiding Loss of Focus Due to Information Overload
Nov / Dec 2011 Things We Learned and/or Remembered in 2011
Sept / Oct 2011 Grain Prices Are Going Up!
July / August 2011 Summer Review
May / June 2011 The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same
March / April 2011 Spring Fever
Jan / Feb 2011 Focusing on the Main Thing
Nov / Dec 2010 Dear Producer,
Sep / Oct 2010 Quoteable Marketing
July / August 2010 Pulling Back The Curtain


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